Dear Students! Welcome to the didactic platform of the Warsaw Management University. Below you will find courses that you can take part in, categorized by field of study and specialization. From here you can download lecture and training materials and obtain additional information related to the subject you are interested in.

We encourage all users - both Students and Lecturers - to read the basic information about the Platform and the instructions for use (in the MAIN MENU block on the right).

For people who have problems logging in to the Moodle Platform - once everything fails read the MANUAL

Messages and News

Messages to lecturers

by Jarzęcki Andrzej -

Dear Students,
(request from your lecturers)
If you contact lecturers via the MESSAGE option on Moodle, start by informing the lecturer about the field of study, mode and subject you are asking about.
This will certainly speed up the search for solutions to your problems!
Lecturers, yes, they have crystal balls, but they are all under repair wink